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Preventing paediatric injuries: A parent's guide to child safety

19th June, 2024

Preventing paediatric injuries: A parent's guide to child safety

Parents always try to protect their children from accidental injuries. However, this can be a difficult task, especially when the children are still young and they miscalculate the risk involved with the way they play or move. Since such accidents can happen at any time, parents have to take proactive safety measurements to prevent any forms of child injury. Here, we share some of the ways in which parents can reduce the risk of such accidental injuries in their children.

Child injury that can take place at home:

  • Falls: Babies often sustain serious injuries when they fall from a significant height, such as from the top of stairs or railings. Parents have to take sufficient precautions against such occurrences by installing safety gates at the top of stairs. Also, they can reduce the risk of falls by installing non-slip floor mats and keeping floors clear from clutter. A cluttered floor can cause the child to trip and fall.
  • Poisoning: Parents have to make sure to keep all poisonous or toxic substances out of reach from their children. Household items, such as disinfectants, medication and others should be kept inside locked cabinets so that children are unable to get their hands on these products and ingest them somehow.
  • Burns: Parents should always keep hot liquids and food items away from the reach of children. Similarly, it is important to be vigilant when children are near hot appliances or cooking utensils, so that parents can stop them from accidentally or intentionally touching these items and suffering a paediatric injury.
  • Choking: Choking is an especially dangerous situation and parents have to constantly monitor their kids to ensure such a thing does not happen. Any small item that can fit inside a child's mouth can be a choking hazard, starting from food items to pieces of their toys and more.

Child injury that can happen on the go:

  • Car accidents: Parents should make sure to buckle up their infants when driving with them inside cars. They have to use rear-facing car seats for maximum safety. Also, they have to stick to the age and weight recommendations in these car seats for optimal safety of their children. Lastly, leaving a child unattended inside a car is extremely risky and should be avoided at all cost.
  • Bicycle and pedestrian injuries: Parents have to educate children regarding basic road safety rules, such as looking both ways before crossing the road. Also, when they are riding a bike or skateboarding, parents should help them put on safety helmets to protect their heads in case of falls.
  • Drowning: One should never leave a child unattended near water, including bathtubs, pools, or beaches. It is also advisable to enroll children in swimming lessons at an appropriate age.

Looking for information on paediatric departments?

Explore our Paediatrics and Neonatology Department. We offer a paediatric allergy clinic, neonatal intensive care unit, paediatric ward and paediatric child guidance clinic. The neonatal ICU has 12 beds, while our paediatric ward has 9 beds and PICU has 4 beds.

We also provide a Well Baby Clinic, where children can receive their vaccinations and immunisations. Our department is equipped with the latest healthcare technology, such as transport incubators, CPAPs and more, ensuring the best care for your child.