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Dietetics Department

dietetics image

The following services are available :

  • Advice for proper diet according to the recommendation of the doctor to individual patients.
  • Counselling the patients to make them understand as to what they should do while taking a proper diet.
  • Advising patients to reject food which is not conducive to their individual system/diseases.
  • Advise to undertake regular physical exercise especially to the diabetic patients and other patients as per the doctors' recommendation.
  • Extra care is given to the patients for selection of proper diet so that side effect can be avoided due to drug intake.

Following are the various types of diet chart provided by us :

  • Balanced Diet
  • Diabetic Diet
  • Renal Diabetic Diet
  • Low fat Diet
  • Bland Diet
  • Diarrhoeal Diet
  • Low Purine Diet

Technical approach to diet :

  • Patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and other taxing medical therapies require special nutrition.
  • To tailor one's food habits & make the person stick to that specific food habit.
  • To stress more on calorie consumption than on elimination of specific foods.
Diet Clinic :

The diet clinic mainly emphasizes on improvement of quality of life by making the patients realize the nature of the disease and the dietary influence on its management. To maintain a healthy life diet charts are provided on referral by doctors.

Dietitians do realize that people have a lot of choices and that deciding which path to follow can be daunting and confusing. Therefore, they recommend a program that takes a sound, evidence-based approach to overall health and wellness from a realistic, patient-centric perspective.