5th December, 2024
The prognosis for breast cancer is significantly improved when the disease is identified early on. Recognizing the key symptoms associated with breast cancer is important, as it empowers individuals to seek timely medical intervention which significantly improves the chances of successful treatment. Here, we share the common signs and symptoms that can be indicators of breast cancer. It is important to remember that having these signs does not always indicate breast cancer, as non-cancerous diseases can also have similar symptoms. However, it is advised to seek a doctor's opinion for an examination and appropriate investigation can be performed to reach a diagnosis and make sure that breast cancer is not missed.
One can often notice a lump-like formation or thickening near the breast. In most instances, the lumps are painless. One has to keep in mind that not all lumps are cancerous, and the lump can vary considerably in size and shape. So, after detecting such a lump, one must seek medical help.
Underarms can get swollen lumps due to enlarged lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can get enlarged for a variety of reasons, one of which is breast cancer. So, after noticing such a lump, one must set up an appointment with their primary care physician.
Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area may also be a symptom. If one of the nipples seems to have turned inward, it could be an indication of breast cancer. Another common symptom is discharge from the nipples, which can be bloody, Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area may also be a symptom when experiencing any of these signs, the person must seek help from a healthcare provider and undergo such as mammography, breast ultrasound and breast biopsy.
If one of the breasts is enlarged to an abnormal size, it can be an indication of breast cancer. One must keep in mind, though, that swelling of breasts can also be brought on by the menstrual cycle. It is concerning when the swelling is persistent. Also, if one breast is smaller than the other since childhood, that is entirely normal. Also, if one breast is smaller than the other since childhood, this is entirely normal.
Another alarming sign to watch out for is a sudden discoloration or change in the shape of one breast. While there can be several underlying reasons for this change besides breast cancer, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Changes in the appearance of the skin near the breast can indicate cancer. Puckering, dimpling, or redness of the breast's surface can be a sign to visit a medical expert for a thorough checkup. It is essential not to neglect these issues. Abnormal skin thickening, altered skin texture such as dimpled texture similar to an orange peel, skin tightness may also be signs of breast cancer.
Breast cancer is often painless in its initial stages. So, experiencing breast pain is not always an indicator of underlying cancer. However, it is best to get a checkup when suffering from unexplained and persistent pain in the breast. A sense of fullness or discomfort also needs a doctor's attention persistent.
Any change or a new finding about your breast that makes you worried or uncomfortable. It is best to seek medical attention if there is an unexplained change in as breast.
Explore our Department of Oncology. We have a team of experienced doctors providing oncological support to people suffering from cancer. Our department has the ability to undertake treatment procedures, such as chemotherapy with laminar air flow, Radio Frequency Ablation, TACE and more. We have a day care unit and we also offer lifestyle counseling and cancer nutrition.