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Oncology Department


We endeavour to detect cancer early so that lives could be saved and offer a spectrum of tests to detect early stages of cancer.

  • Cervical cancer – PAP smear
  • Colorectal cancer – Colonoscopy
  • Stomach cancer & Hepato Biliary plus Pancreatic cancers – Gastroscopy, ERCP, EUS etc
  • Breast cancer – USG with elastography and Digital mammography
  • Prostate cancer – PSA
  • Lung cancer – HRCT
  • Ovarian cancer – USG & CA 125
  • Liver cancer – USG & AFP

The centre also engages itself in different academic activities, awareness programmes, case discussions, seminars and multi-disciplinary medical boards like the tumour board.

One Stop Breast Clinic :

Offers Breast Cancer Screening Package including

  • Bilateral Breast Mammography
  • Bilateral Breast USG
  • Consultation by Breast Surgeon / Oncologist


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