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Modular Operation Theatre


Hospital acquired infection is as high as 10-30% in Indian Hospitals. Of many factors which contribute to hospital acquired infection, post operative incidence of hospital acquired infection is significant. At Peerless Hospital we take this issue very seriously. Hence the up gradation of our operation theatres into the Modular type- the one of its kind in this region.

The key features of our Modular Operation Theatre Complex are as follows
The zones are strictly maintained and marked as:
Water Supply:

We have separate reserve emergency overhead tank which dedicatedly offers water supply to operation theatres. The supply is De-ionized and R.O. water.

Fire Safety:

Our OT is provided with both ionization and optical fire detectors as against heat detectors, since equipment-oriented operation theatres are likely to create more smoke than heat in the eventuality of fire. Hydrants and fire extinguishers are stationed and functional at every level possible. Fire exit route is clearly identified, ear marked and well illuminated.

All these improvements have been done bearing huge investments to serve our patients better. These initiatives will reflect a huge impact on the quality of patient care and help us strengthen the trust our patients have placed on us.