MBBS, MD (Psychiatry), DM (Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)

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MON 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
WED 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Areas Of Interest > Child & Adolescent Psychiatry > Behavioral Addiction > Adolescent Substance Use > Neurodevelopmental Disorders > Biological Psychiatry > Liaison psychiatry > Psychotherapy Research Work / Publication > More than 25 national and international publications in peer reviewed journals in with eminent publishers as Elsevier, Springer etc. H-index is 7, can be accessed in Research gate also with 16.7 score. To show only a few of them. > Ray A, Subramanian A, Chhabra H, Kommu JVS, Venkatsubramanian G, Srinath S, et al.Eye movement tracking in pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder. Asian J Psychiatry. 2019 Jun; 43:9-16. > Ray A, Maitra S, Chatterjee M, Ghosh P, Karmakar A, Sinha S, et al. Dimorphic association of dopaminergic transporter gene variants with treatment outcome: Pilot study in Indian ADHD probands. Meta Gene. 2017 Feb; 11:64?9. > Saha T, Chatterjee M, Verma D, Ray A, Sinha S, Rajamma U, et al. Genetic variants of the folate metabolic system and mild hyperhomocysteinemia may affect ADHD associated behavioral problems. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2018 Jun; 84:1-10. > Biswas DK, Kaur P, Roy A. Illness Experience and Help-seeking Behaviors among Patients with Common Mental Disorders in a Hospital in North 24 Parganas District, West Bengal, India. Indian J Soc Psychiatry. 2018;34(2):139-46. > Ray A, Pal Manas, Ghosh M, Sanyal D. Psychodermatological Disorders: An Assessment of Psychiatric Morbidity. Int Med J. 2008 Dec; 18(4):300-12. > With 3 national and international book-chapters till date 1. Nicotine Dependence and Schizophrenia. Ed: Preedy, Victor R. In: Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse, Academic Press 2. Researches in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry from west Bengal, In: West Bengal: its contribution to Indian Psychiatry 3. Psychosocial interventions for Children & adolescents affected by COVID 19, in Guidelines for managing mental health issues during Covid -19 pandemic Served as a reviewer in Multiple National & International Journals. Achievements > 1st Srilekha Biswas Memorial Oration Award on 28.6.2019 Many guest lectures in national forums (followings are only a few of them in last 2 years): > AIIMS, Rishikesh on "Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - an emerging superspeciality", 2019 > "Recent Advances in medical Management of children with pervasive developmental disorder" at NIEPID (Divyangjan) Regional centre for disability. Kolkata, 2020 > "Management of Pediatric OCD" for of BYL. Nair Chand Hospital and T.N. Medical College, Mumbai (Guest Faculty), 2021 > "School refusal": An invited Guest lecture in ANCIPS 2019 along with Ex senior-Prof Dr Shoba Srinath "Autism Spectrum Disorder: Its neurobiology" as Invited lecture in National Conference on "Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Recent Advances in Research, Policies and Practices" at NIEPID, Regional Centre, Kolkata 2021